1. Hey guys!
    I know we all know Instagram, but are we really using it to it’s fullest potential? This video is all about how to get the most inspiration from the platform and get yourself out there shooting photos! Take it back to the core principal and really evaluate the feed you’re seeing each day with the people you’re following ?

    Also, in the spirit of inspiration, let me know who your favourite Instagrammers are!

  2. Man, I spend so much time engaging with certain accounts and they don't even like my photos, and im using their tags and everything. I'm not sure if its because i followed and then unfollowed a moderator who probably got offended, but their content is shit and not interesting to me. but the content I share is exaclty what they are looking for. I;m supportive but they are not towards me. Or are they just trying to feature larger accounts to gain more following? IG is just a game sometimes and I hate it.

  3. I'm such a big fan of collections and I've been using it ever since ig released it. While I've been learning more about ig, i've noticed a lot of people aren't using it 🙁 It's amazing though and super handy for organizing everything I love and want to go back to for inspiration!

  4. Hey Joe, your last point about Collections was very relevant! Creating collections based on how they make you feel are essentially "mood boards" that can be likened to Pinterest if done correctly. The feed improvement tips were a huge eye-opener too. Cheers!

  5. Love the 5 tips! I have worked with influencers and they're so damn creative with their posts. Well actually big brands are looking for collaborations with bloggers like you, you should check out the collaboration of Phlanx influencer marketing platform. Check it out

  6. hey guys I'm a new youtuber and my Instagram is @themeaningofliz and id love to talk to somebody about anything I'm very openminded and love to hear other peoples opinions so lmk on here or my ig!!

  7. Just stumbled upon this video and I don’t know you, but I must say very decent work. I like it when the communications –  thoughts, and message which you want to share – are clear and straightforward.

    I enjoyed every Tip even though not all were new to me. 

    I am constantly cleaning out my following and increase slowly my followers. What I try to do about my old school friends (from ages ago) etc. is, that I friend them or already friends on FB with them. That is enough for not losing sight and be always able to reach them.

    I could never go the "follow4follow" lane because it would make my feed crazy and also me because of that.

    Noticed that playing fair and honest takes much longer to grow followers, but at the end that is the only real way with which – at least I – have a good conscience.

    P.S. I love your lower thirds and would be curious what plugin do you use. I checked FAQ but could not find any answer. I know you use Premier and I am using FCPX but perhaps the company has it for both. 😉

  8. Thanks for the video. These are the best tipps I have heard in a while. Unfollow your friends sounds hard, but it is really necessary, if you want to get a different perspective and inspiration. And yes, I definitely should use collections more…

  9. Sadly using the location feature doesn't bring up anything in my area or any towns near me maybe a hundred photos of 90% advertisements and the rest are videos from one guy doing workouts. I have to travel over an hour to get into the cities which kinda limits how often I can go there.

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