1. First of all I wanna say thank you for this video coz am just starting out as a beginner and this video has really helped me to identify what I need.
    Am from Kenya and we say 'asante' meaning thank you.
    Hello in kiswahili means 'Habari'. And……
    Goodbye is 'Kwaheri'.

  2. I don't know if someone ask you here my doubt about your tripod, so I'm sorry in that case (right now you have 234 comments…@youtube, please, put a find option on comments!! hehe).

    I want to buy a tripod and I've been taking a look to some brands. The one you have (the vanguard…) has a carbon fiber version (even a new design and sistem). Why don't you use de lighter carbon f. version instead of the aluminium one? Maybe because when a tripod is lighter like carbon fiber ones the tripod itself is more unstable? Could it be? Thanks… I'm sorry my English. Oh! and Hello means "hola" in spanish and "goodbye?" adios. 😉

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