1. Hiya, checking for money making methods on the net. I want to tell you a formula there is a site where there are lots of working techniques. Simply type: "TheMakeMoneyOnlinePro" in google.

  2. ok, these are great tips that I just started implementing for my business marketing, however, can someone explain to me why my 14 y/o nephew and his friends, some with private accounts, who live in a rural area, go to a private school, just post mostly selfies an rarely use hashtags and all seem to have 600+ followers?

  3. I have to say, this info was great for me as I’m just beginning to learn how to approach IG in the correct way. The tips were excellent. Now To find some spare time to make a few adjustments over the weekend and tweak a few things! Thanks so much for sharing, please feel free to follow me on IG and YouTube , yes I’m learning the video angle as well. @3CrowArts

  4. I've been having a tough time just growing organic followers to my new business IG, I was spending 150/mo on 5/day ads just to promote our IG and hardly getting followers. Found this service that raised the IG algorithm for my IG and started growing by over 100 followers a day goo.gl/pnjQeT

  5. Solid content. I think in general it's an accepted theory that for IG followers you have to stay engaged. Interacting with big accounts gives you this awesome exposure, of course! The algorithm is simple. Social media is about being SOCIAL. So it's set to prioritize engagement which is mostly weighed in on comments and running commentary. Β I found two programs that set everything on automation for you. You get to set what comments you want to run on other people's content. So obviously the more organic your text is the more engaged they'll be. There's one newer one called Buzzfollow and another one called Boomul. So far Buzzfollow is more convenient and the support crew is actually responsive. for Boomul I gave it two days and it was going too slowly for me, but some of my buddies had better luck than me. Try it for yourselves if you want. This is for Boomul: http://bit.ly/BoomulSignup and this one is for Buzzfollow: http://bit.ly/BuzzFollowTrial . I don't really know Boomul's crew that well. I would love to know what everyone thinks about them! So far Buzzfollow is taking the cake. Their hilarious viral video wins lol. Here’s what the webpage looks like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYsZ32SBMvg

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