1. I work a 9-5 job so don't get home till 6 by the time I'm ready to shoot its pretty dark, especially in the UK. Becuase of this I've gotten used to shooting at night, great tips and tricks! Love your videos Peter! Check out my Instagram if you get a second, @benclarkephotography. You've helped me improve so much over this year, thank you πŸ™‚

  2. Hey man awesome video.
    Whenever I come up from Niagar I try to make a point of shooting Toronto at night.Maybe I will bump into you somewhere.LOL.Cheers!
    Chris @delaatdigitalimaging

  3. Are all night photos shot with a tripod or something like it? Or can you take some by hand? For example the photo towards the end of the guy waking on the sidewalk. Could that be done without a tripod?

  4. I started shooting photos like "seriously" (seriously being used very lightly as I'm learning and still quite new to photography) at night! Night shooting has always been super comfortable for me and I love being out when usually busy places are quiet and empty.

  5. That intro was amazing. <3
    By the way, Is remote really made for camera shake? What about setting a 2 seconds or whatever self-timer? I thought that remotes are only useful for bulb mode. (+30 seconds exposure time)

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