1. I am so thankful I found your channel tonight! I need more ram so badly and I wasn’t too sure but this helps me decide a bit, thank you? I think you can add more ram on MacBook pros, I looked on their website and it shows you how to actually install it and seems super easy, I am gonna try it!

  2. I JUST bought an Acer Aspire Nitro 5 with 256 GB SSD, 1TB HD, Intel Core i5, with GeForce GTX 1050 graphics card for $780 on Newegg and traded my $1500 (Outdated) MacBook for a DSLR … Sooooooo happy!

  3. I edit on my MacBook Air but I alway boast about my battery life and the portability of the Macbook air but since I've started with video the Macbook can still handle it but a Macbook Pro would be the preferred way to go.

    I just think comparing Mac book to your desktop pc is like comparing Space X to a F1 racing team both provide you with computing power but in completely different fields.

  4. Best video four education but I have questions I don't know alot from computer and how to upgraded can you make the same PC you made custom four sale or can you show is you made cost like the cost where to buy parts? Thanks have great Christmas and New Year's

  5. hey sheldon, i love your tutorials and stuff, i already have a n HP laptop than i think is enough, but the display is not good, color grading is so hard that i need to export a 2-3 second vid and transfer it to my mobile to see the color it will turn to when somebody else watch it, but anyway, do you think i can just buy a monitor from the list you've given and plug in my laptop to see the most accurate color?

  6. Hey Sheldon! Great coverage. I have a question. Once you select your best 3 – 10 images from one photo shoot or trip do you personally delete the rest raw and jpeg images that you didn't select? Thanks for your time!

  7. So annoying when my graphic design teacher told me to get a macbook. He's got the mid 2015 joint and I came with my XPS 15 9560 4k. He joked about it until I opened the screen. I even told him the specs, cost and that I changed the ram to 32gb all in this compact laptop and he shut his little mouth

  8. You are too much a gentlemen. I respect that, so let me finish what you meant to say…."Apple. go f' yourself. Extra ram doesn't take any real extra power. It's just going to ruin your thin profile of your MBPs."

  9. What i7 CPU is that? 8700K overclocked or an Extreme 8/10 core one?
    I'm typing now from my desktop with i7 6700, GTX 970 4GB, 16 GB RAM, 120 GB SSD and 1TB hard drive (just ordered a 4 TB one :D) and I want to upgrade to a 8700K because it's the
    same socket type and I hope to overclock I'm just not sure what my motherboard will allow (it's an Asus B250 it's a mini ATX I think).
    Thanks great vid!

  10. most of this was shit. The only reson for buing a MAC instead of a PC is FinalCut Pro. FinalCut Pro is by far the best video editing tool, and only for MAC. If you don't use it just buy a PC. For 2000 dollars You can buy a PC like HP or Dell or Lenovo better in specs than that 2799 MB Pro, with similar battery life and weight/build quality. If you don't want waist 2000 dollars and the max is 1000 go with a Xiaomi mibook pro whith similar specs compared with that macbook but just a little bit less built quality but with better batery life. This was my 2 cents. I cant recomend buyng a gaming laptop for work because: first the weight if you want use the PC you dont want go with 3.5kg PC on the back, the max will be 2KG the secund reason is the looks in a professional ambient Gaming PC looks childish and unprofessional, the third is battery life, gaming PC's geraly have less batery life.

  11. I have been looking for a video like this that explains everything clearly for a long time! thank you for sharing your knowledge and creating this great, easy to understand video! Definitely bookmarking this to refer to later when I'm making my purchases!

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