1. Mannequin head tip: If you want to reduce secular hot spots you can paint it with spray paint the flesh tone you like/want. If you use a flat paint you will reduce reflection. And adding a winter hat on it, you can get almost a "hair" affect and difference in shadows and falloff. You can do this as well with any other type of hat/cap you may want to have when doing portraits. Hats with brims add another complexity to lighting that unless you practice it can really cause issues with the model/client at the time of the shoot. That said, you can practice the same thing with glasses.

  2. Very rarely do I watch youtube videos for longer than 10 minutes but watched this til the end and learnt loads. Even went on Amazon and ordered a 120cm Octagon soft box. Cheers Glyn.

  3. Superb. Met you last weekend – asking for advice on soft proofing demo at The Hilton demo. So helpful. Love your style and delivery of the subject. Thanks for the inspiration to get working with my lights.

  4. Your book: "Photograph Like a Thief" arrived several days ago. It's outstanding. Love it. Layout, text, photos, examples are all spot on. Very good information that will be a great help to me. I like the way you set it up, and how it progresses through the chapters. Way to go Glyn!

  5. Its a great lightning tutorial, again Ive learned some really important bits. Just one observation. It would so much helpful if you would not name models by their names, but instead just simply call them a "model'. Every time you call up her name, she loses her professional composure and it makes her become extremely self conscious and you can see that on her confusing body language. She stops being a model. I see this happening often with photographers who do these kinds of tutorials. I as a learner find this distracting and annoying to be honest. But it could be just me.

  6. Hi Glyn, great video! I really appreciate those little details you throw in like the reason to use a light meter or the fact you make just one image or the slowing of tethered shooting which you sell as advantage. Great way to see it, those things stick forever in my otherwise forgetful mind πŸ™‚

  7. Hi Glyn i see you use a flash meter, have you ever heard of a guy called Don Gianantti he shows people how to make one out of a length of string, if you make it right it is uncannily accurate, i have a flash meter but i made a string meter and it is accurate to 1/3 of a stop

  8. hi Glyn nice little vid of John at the hospital, my dad died 2 years ago of prostate cancer John said his first blood test for psa was 10, 0-6 is normal.My Dads first psa result was 500, it was inoperable and he lasted just over 2 years.Please pass this information on that ANY man can have a PSA test ,your gp will arrange it, i have one every year, the PSA test is the first sign of prostate cancer and it is omly a blood test

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