1. Bathroom confessions by Patrick lol….to the sounds of White Flag by Dido…"there will be no white flag above my door…" In trying to persuade Elia to skydive…the best moment!!

  2. Hi guys, I do love your videos however the risks you took in this video is somewhat disturbing given the possibility that other photographers may be inspired to try something similar and may not be as lucky to live through it as we’ve seen in the death of some persons. ?

  3. Gosh you guys are amazing! What I love most is seeing the lengths you have to go to so you can get that incredible shot…. every time! The hard work you guys put in is inspiring.
    Toes cringing from those views but a vote yes for skydiving! Can’t wait for the next episode!

  4. Great behind the scenes video! I recently been in Dubai, for 6 days, only two days with clouds and none with fog, unfortunately!
    The key surely lies in being on an many rooftops as you can!

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