1. Hi Mark, before I head to your Instagram, I have one question. At a certain point, you say in this video that getting closer leads to better results, or something like that (the mural in KL). How would you define good results in this particular case? I may seem to be splitting hair here but it’s a real question: why do you like it more like this?

  2. It is really great to see you a new vid. Great tips, please do more. Β As in do at least 50% of A. videos. I know you already a large collection of videos, and I've watched them all. Did I say do more. Why? Because you're A. best presenter.

  3. Love you Mark. I have been using your Adorama TV series videos in my teaching of photo students in my university classes for many years. Just the best. Your knowledge and ease in explaining ideas and techniques is super. Keep it up, from one of your "biggest fans":, remember that line from one of your early vids on stopping motion. LOL

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