1. Jared whats up man!! Your a pro genius bro. Shooting with the D70 with only 6.1 megapixels, is truly impressive. The shots areabsolutley amazing bro! Sometimes megapixels don't matter, and you proved it with this old but terrific camera. Great job man. I just subscribed. Now I'm a true fan!!! I'm getting a Nikon D700!! I can't wait man?!!!

  2. Seeing as how I have a Nikon D40(I bought when my son was 5.. hes almost 14 now) which I'm sure is LESSER of a camera than this one, It gives me hope. I know I need to Upgrade sooner or later. I bought this camera just to Take pics at his baseball games, Always used in Auto mode, NEVER bought a bigger lens(about to do that) As of Christmas of '17 I am FINALLY understanding(thanks to some of your videos) the manual mode settings. Thanks for all the great content!

  3. Lighting is always the challenge. High schools are typically not that well lit as most colleges that broadcast, Usually Florescent lights are what I see and have to struggle with.

  4. Great shots, would love to see how you processed the images with that noise. The DNG RAW files are noisy at 1600 ISO which is understandable given it is a D70 but you were still able to pull off some really great shots at 1/400 sec ( action shots ) and your final processed images are very clean. I have the hardest time shooting indoor events with my d810 at indoor events because the lighting is generally so bad and inconsistent ( indoor bubble turf stadium with really poor fluorescent lighting ). If I shot at 1/400 sec to keep my ISO at a respectable range then none of my images would be sharp and definitely underexposed…Generally I'm shooting at a minimum of 1/800 and 1/1600 sec, f/2.8 ISO 3200 or 6400, problem is the noise levels….

  5. Hi Jared,
    I have a question. How were you able to shoot the game? Who did you contact? What was your process? I’ve been a long time follower, and this is my 1st time contacting you. Love your content, and your honest straight forward approach. Always look forward to your next video. I appreciate all help, tips, and clear explanations to make my photography journey more enjoyable.
    Thank you,

  6. Next to my Canon 6D, I still shoot with my Nikon D100 (a DSLR of 2002). Still nice to shoot with (except for the slow buffers) when you want this old effect (which is really hard to reproduce with modern Full Frame camera's I noticed).

  7. You should have composed the drummer and snapped an image so that it looked like he was there by himself, now how many drummers do you know that go to a women's basketball game by them selves, and with their drums no less hahaha

  8. Shoot beauty shoot specifically for makeup artists portfolio, with crop sensor camera and 50mm 1.8 (and i guess using cheapo beauty dish or umbrella and speedlight). THATS A CHALLENGE

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