1. That is great video you are a king . I have been lurning things the hard way by trial and error, but my point and shoot does not have much manual controls. One day maybe I manage to buy a camera with some "freedom of movement" and I'll go further. Thumbs up you are the best !

  2. Thank you so much Sir for this very helpful video. I now really understand how does the shutter speed works and when to use it. I was so confused how to use the shutter speed as well as the F stop. You are indeed a great teacher and a professional photographer.
    I cannot practice now yet to use the shutter speed and the F stop since I do not own a dslr yet but once I will have one I will surely watch again your videos and apply them while using the camera to really understand them more.
    God bless sir and I will watch your upcoming videos.

  3. Yo Ben! Mal wieder ein sehr gutes Video 🙂
    Aber eins hat mir dabei gefehlt, ich weiß jetzt wie ich bewegende Dinge einfriere. Stark wäre es gewesen, auch darauf einzugehen wie man den Hintergrund verwischen lässt, das Objekt aber einfriert, wie bei einen Motorradrennen zum Beispiel. Um so die Bewegung nicht anhand des verschwommenen Objektes zu zeigen, sondern anhand des verwischenden Hintergrundes. Über so ein Video würde ich mich sehr freuen!

  4. Ben – I subscribed and watch your channel in German but don't understand a word of it (it's photographed so well , I watch anyway !) Is there a way to get English subtitles to show on your videos ? Anybody have advice ?

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